7 Facts About Cellulite
Cellulite is a condition that some 70-90 percent of women experience and, unfortunately, there has yet to be a magical treatment to end cellulite forever. Read on for answers to common questions, prevention, and solutions to minimize the appearance of spongey thighs.
Is cellulite fat?
It is a common misconception that cellulite is fat, and it can occur in individuals of all shapes and sizes. Cellulite appears when the collagen that binds fat to the skin stretch and tear, allowing fat to divide and tear in small pockets in the skin. This is appears as bumps and dimples under the skin.
Why do women get cellulite more than men?
Estrogen plays a role, causing women to carry their fat around the buttocks and thighs, but the main reason is that the bands connecting skin and muscle are a thicker “x” pattern in men compared to a vertical pattern on women’s bodies. For men, that pattern keeps fat in place so it doesn’t pucker.
Are there over the counter treatments available?
Be wary of creams that guarantee cellulite reduction! However, products that contain retinols and caffeine can help minimize the appearance of cellulite. Caffeine can help stimulate blood flow to temporarily shrink fat cells and retinol will help repair your cells over time. For shorts and beach weather, try an artificial tanner or spray tan to look bikini ready.
What are my treatment options?
At Plastic Surgery Associates we offer VASERshape nonsurgical fat reduction that also reduces the appearance of cellulite. VASERshape is a painlesss treatment that feels much like a hot stone massage, and is offered in a package of 5 sessions spaced one 7-10 days apart. The treatment uses ultrasonic therapy and massage to drain away excess fat and toxins that are then eliminated from the body.
Exercise can help reduce the appearance of cellulite.
As with any procedure we offer, we recommend patients practice a healthy lifestyle that includes diet and exercise for best results. Cardio and interval training help burn fat, making cellulite less visible. Do you prefer yoga? Try these poses that help lymph flow to make cellulite less noticeable.
You can help prevent cellulite with a balanced diet.
Try reducing or eliminating refined, processed foods that contain excess sugar, additives and chemicals. Dairy and high fat foods can also be contributing factors to dreaded cellulite. Cutting back can help prevent new instances in the future.
Wear your sunscreen!
UV rays can worsen the appearance of cellulite by damaging collagen. Be sure to slather up with your favorite sunscreen before heading outside, even on overcast days.